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The Socialux vs Limits Gala in Support of Sick Kids

The Socialux vs Limits Gala in Support of Sick Kids was held at The Eglinton Grand on November 20th, 2019. When Marly @socialeyescommunications first approached me to do this together... I said YES right away!!! To throw a charity together, in honor of her late sister Kiley, was a no brainer. In February 2019, we started planning for this incredible night. To give back to a great hospital...To help any way we could in their new rebuild initiative. WE DID JUST THAT! We raised $32,134.00 and we took the cheque to Sick Kids hospital. We are incredibly proud of the love and support showed by everyone. From all our sponsors to our generous vendors - WE THANK YOU!!! To everyone from friends, family, and past clients who came and celebrated, danced, had fun, and donated - WE THANK YOU!!! No words can come close to just how grateful we really are! You all made such a difference!


Thank you to our amazing vendors:


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